Welcome to the Eaglecrest High School Speech & Debate website! Here you'll find team updates, scheduled practice times, tournament schedules, and information about our co-curricular activity.
Members of the EHS Speech & Debate Team participate in interscholastic public speaking competitions against other Colorado high schools. Students may compete in many events, ranging from debate (Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum, and Congressional styles) to limited prep events (Extemporaneous Speaking focusing on the United States or International topics) to Original Oratory to interpretive events (Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, and Interpretation of Poetry). Students earn points to become lifetime members of the National Forensics League, a Speech & Debate honor society, while gaining valuable skills in critical thinking, communication, and expression. In addition to interscholastic tournaments, members of our team enter spoken word poetry competition and oratorical contests. We also participate in community service and outreach. |